How much weight have you lost?
I started my weight loss journey initially at around 330ish pounds. You can find my current weight listed on my most recent monthly progress post until I reach my goal weight.

What is your goal weight?
I have no idea. I have a general idea of what I think I would like my body to look like, but I'm not really hung up on any one size, shape or weight right now. I would love to tell you that I have a goal of just being healthy, but I'm going to keep it completely real and tell you: that's definitely important, but I really want to look bangin in a pair of jeans.

Did you lose all of your weight by going gluten free?
This is a loaded question. Initially, no. I lost my weight initially by tracking my calories in vs. calories out through the free weight loss app My Fitness Pal. The weight all came back in with the exception of about 25 pounds during my acute illness with celiac disease until my diagnosis. Since then, my weight loss has been facilitated by maintaining a gluten free diet, and choosing whole foods whenever possible. At this point in time, I am not tracking calories, but instead just focusing on making intelligent food choices and working to "eyeball" a decent macro balance. BUT! A huge part of why I decided to relaunch this blog and post about my journey, to include the unexplained weight gain in spite of documented balanced calories, macros and to include my experience with finding out that I do have celiac disease is to emphasize to you that THE ANSWER ISN'T ALWAYS OBVIOUS AND IT IS NOT ONE SIZE FITS ALL. It's not the easiest thing in the world to hear, but there is no perfect formula, there are no magic pills, and it really does take finding exactly what your body needs - and realizing that oftentimes adjustments are necessary even when you think you've got it figured out.

You have a farm?!
Kinda. I really don't consider what we have to be a farm, but if I had to classify it, I would call it a hobby farm or a backyard mini-farm. We have several different varieties of chickens (currently including Black Jersey Giants, New Hampshire Reds, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, a Silkie and a Silver Laced Sebright) for eggs. We have a goat who is really just a glorified lawn mower, though she kinda stinks at the job and I still have to cut the stupid grass. So we are talking about getting her some goat buddies - of the dairy variety. There is some talk of possibly adding a teacup pig to the mix at some point. Stay tuned! The rest of our critters are of the canine and feline variety, though I heard a rumor that Santa may be considering a beta fish this Christmas.

Do you sell the stuff that you craft and DIY?
Kinda a touchy subject on this one.... Here's the story with that. Would I like to sell the stuff that I craft and DIY? Yes. And I do occasionally. However, I tend to be a total weirdo who gets emotionally invested in the stuff that I make and then have a hard time justifying parting ways with it. I'm gonna go with a maybe here, and go grab a glass of wine to overcome the anxiety that it took to say that.

How do you like your beats?
I like my beats fast and my bass down low - and I'm all about that bass.
Okay... that wasn't really an FAQ. But wasn't that fun? Two ear worms at once!!

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